Monday, January 2, 2017

How to be a Freelance Blogger

Freelance BloggerIn the old days, we kept journals and diaries. Today, so many of us maintain blogs and digital notes out of the same habit. Blogging is a brilliant option to the cumbersome task of penning things down, and it offers a wider reach. Businesses have successfully employed Blogging to sell products, generate brand recognition, and even get opinion polls from end users, narrowing the gap. It is thus, the demand for a fact, it is huge; an emerging career avenue where you can earn good money. Blogging is not a new thing. However, the use of it as a business tool has caught on like wildfire. As with most fields there is a growing market for freelancers as well, and if you do feature as one of the latter, don’t worry too much. Some groups of Bloggers freelance fulltime and still manage to make enough money as the rare fulltime counterparts. The trend of fulltime freelance continues to rise as the amount of work available and the pay scales on offer, present a more viable and lucrative option to conventional office work.

Job Duties for Freelance Blogger

Bloggers have a host of duties, which they must fulfil as a freelancer. Some of the important duties that you will encounter include:
  • Writing high quality target driven content
  • Implementing strategies to get maximum visibility of blogs
  • Being able to understand parlance and background of the topic
  • Being able to identify the right marketing strategy
  • Monitoring the quality of content
  • Revising and updating the content, as needed
  • Keeping a record for work accomplished
  • Coordinating with requisite team for work


You will have similar skills to writers and editors. However, along with these skills, you would possess certain insights and an in-depth, well-informed opinion of the topic you wish to blog about. Let’s look at some of these skills that you need to develop:
  • Research skills
  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Content development
  • Content Management
You can acquire these skills online through various platforms. E-learning platforms like Lynda, Skillshare and Edx offer free and paid instructional videos and classes on writing, editing, best practices, feature writing, where you can learn without having to move from your seat. Goodreads, a book sharing and review site, has awarded a generous 4.2/ 5.0 rating for The Yahoo Style Guide, first published in 2009. It is a benchmark for web writing and styling practices today.

Being Successful as a Freelance Blogger

Blogging can seem like the perfect job, where all you have to do is write about stuff you feel passionately for, and earn some money from the comfort of your couch. With experience, the ‘some’ money in question, rapidly evolves into handsome money. More often than not, talent is not a determinant of success in any sphere. It is possibly truer for writers, with the freelance market insisting that talent must be combined with the relevant experience to attract prospective employers. Hence, to be successful initially, you could:
  • Offer to do projects for minimum fees, sometimes for free
  • Bid the lowest for a project on freelancer portals
  • Get good testimonials for guest blogs, recommendations for work
  • Start a blog; back link it to more visible blogs
  • Create a website, or at the very least, a web page
  • Advertise your services on social media platforms

Average Remunerations:

Blogging is a well-paid field, one which has caught on in recent years. There is a wealth of opportunity for prospective bloggers like you. Usually freelance portals offer various kinds of payment models. In the fixed-price model, the price is usually pre-determined. The hourly model is the most popular and employers usually pay a predetermined sum per hour. Finally, in the project-budget based model, you often need to auction for such projects. Usually a fixed price model may range from $20- $200 and upwards, while you have to pitch for hourly projects, and budget payments, which usually range from $5- $35 an hour. As a freelance blogger, you can earn up to $19 an hour.

Finding Work:

Finding work as a freelance blogger is not difficult and there are many portals where you can advertise your services. There are thousands of opportunities for prospective work-at-home bloggers like you. Blogging is a niche career essential to the digital market, and there is no shortage of websites offering work. Websites like Odesk, Elance, Guru, Peopleperhour and Blogging Pro offer jobs to freelance bloggers like you.


There are many resources available for you to begin Blogging. Websites that offer paid and free resources to hone your skills as a writer have only increased. , to learn about blogging techniques and marketing strategies. Some websites which offer study material online and host instructional videos include:

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