Monday, January 2, 2017

How to be a Freelance Ajax Expert

Freelance Ajax ExpertAjax or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is one of the key skills that you must have as a web developer today. As a freelance Ajax expert, you will be working on a number of platforms. You will help devise strategy, develop, execute, test and even log the code. It is a handy skill to learn and it will only help you further your career as a web developer. While some of you may already work full time and may wish to do something by the side, and others might wish to freelance fulltime. Usually most developers work for recognised IT organisations and sometimes take up other projects by the side, while others freelance fulltime. In both cases, you can stand to earn decent money. The increase in opportunities has ensured that a career as an Ajax Expert can be a rewarding one for you.

Job Duties for  Freelance Ajax Expert

As a Freelance  Ajax Expert, many duties will fall under your purview. However, your duties as a freelancer would vary from the usual office work ones that people in similar work profiles would undertake. You should be able to take on many responsibilities remotely. Some of the important duties you will undertake as an Ajax expert include:
  • The design and implementation of client’s rich web UI in JavaScript framework based on Ember.js and other technologies
  • Design of Rest APIs backing the client-side UI logic
  • Review business requirements
  • Perform a technical analysis of requirements
  • Produce a solid, detailed technical design
  • Write clean, modular, robust code to implement the desired requirements
  • Contribute ideas for making the application better and easier to use


As with many disciplines, there are certain specific skills that you should consider developing. As an Ajax expert, you must have skills similar to other developers, but also have some specific skills. You should:
  • Be patient and persistent
  • Be thorough and detail oriented
  • Be able to think logically and critically
  • Have good judgment
  • Be able to communicate orally and in written form
  • Use organizational skills effectively
  • Be able to solve problems intuitively
  • Be reliable and trustworthy
  • Be professional
  • Be independent
  • Be self motivated
  • Be able to multitask and meet project deadlines
  • Have an expertise on HTML, JavaScript and XML
  • Review business requirements
  • Perform a technical analysis of requirements
  • Produce a solid, detailed technical design
  • Write clean, modular, robust code to implement the desired requirements
  • Contribute ideas for making the application better and easier to use
You can learn most of the skills you need as an Ajax expert, online. W3Schools, Code Academy, Lynda, Udemyand Learnableoffer various courses on Ajax development, application development et al.

Being Successful as a Freelance Ajax Expert

A developer’s acumen is best judged by the functionality of the code, the innovation of it and the functionality you add to its code, and how it finally performs. However, employers usually measure freelance Ajax developers’ successes in much the same way that they measure other freelancers: ratings and reviews. There are many other aspects to being successful than simply a review and a rating. Some of the ways you can get on the path to success as an Ajax developer include:
  • Building a technical portfolio, contributing to open source projects like GitHub
  • Being an algorithmic, analytical thinker
  • Networking with people, leveraging your network to find work
  • Being able to develop a good working relationship with employers
  • Deep knowledge of HTML5 is an essential prerequisite
  • Experience with single-page JavaScript applications is a strong advantage
  • Knowledge of Ember.js or other JavaScript MVC frameworks is a plus
  • Experience with Java and Spring is an advantage, ability to roam freely between the client and server programming is a plus
  • Good written and spoken English is required
  • Experience with Git is a plus
  • Experience working in Unix/Linux or Mac OS environment is a plus

Average Remunerations:

How much money can you earn as an Ajax Expert, who freelances fulltime. Ajax is an important skill, used to create eye-catching and aesthetically pleasing designs, the need of which has increased monumentally in the recent years, as businesses try to score one over competitors by making their websites more artistic or helpful than their competitors make. Usually freelance portals offer various kinds of payment models. In the fixed-price model, the price is usually pre-determined. The hourly model is the most popular and employers usually pay a predetermined sum per hour. Finally, in the project-budget based model, you often need to auction for such projects. Usually a fixed price model may range from $20- $200 and upwards, while you have to pitch for hourly projects, and budget payments, which usually range from $5- $35 an hour. Your average salary as a freelance Ajax expert could be $20 an hour.

Finding Work:

Finding work as a freelance Ajax expert is not difficult and there are many portals where you can advertise your services. It is a reasonably well paid job and there are thousands of opportunities for prospective work-at-home developers like you. Ajax development can fetch you a respectable job and you can command a comfortable salary. A solid career option and it is a skill set essential to world of development. Many portals and websites like Guru, Odesk, Elance, Peopleperhourand Freelancer offer jobs for freelance Ajax Experts like you.


As an Ajax developer, there is no dearth of online resources to develop and hone your skills. Many websites, channels, and even forums offer training videos, interactive training sessions, and exercise and demo pages where you can test code. Some of the popular choices for Ajax developers include W3Schools, Code Academy, Lynda, Udemy and Learnableoffer various courses on Ajax development, application development et al.

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