Sunday, January 1, 2017

How to be a Freelance Financial Analyst

Freelance Financial AnalystOf the many jobs that have always been work at office jobs, there is perhaps nothing more crucial than financial analysis. Although credit may be the only elasticity commerce offers, financial jobs do not often afford the same amount of elasticity in timings, pun not intended. The issue here is how to turn freelance fulltime and make similar kind of money that you make at office.
To say that there is a dearth of money in a financial analyst’s life would constitute a contradiction. However, the important thing to note is that by money, we mean money in the bank. Some of you work for recognised organisations and sometimes take up other projects by the side. Some others like you freelance fulltime and still manage to make enough money than your corporate counterparts. The latter group’s numbers continue to rise, as the opportunities and attractive pay scales, offer a more viable and lucrative option to office work. Freelance Financial Analyst is one of the top paying jobs in the market today.

Job Duties for Freelance Financial Analyst

Freelance Financial analysts analyse numbers, make decisions, collate, and regulate data. In fact, you would be required to perform many roles as a financial analyst, and though most of them would be interesting; there are obvious run-of-the-mill tasks that you would need to fill in for, tasks that may not have you jumping out of your seat.
To elucidate, a financial analyst:
  • Tracks financial status by monitoring variances from plan.
  • Determines financial status by comparing and analyzing plans and forecasts with actual results.
  • Improves financial status by analyzing results and variances; identifying trends; recommending actions.
  • Reconciles transactions by comparing and correcting data.
  • Increases productivity by developing automated applications; eliminating duplications; coordinating information requirements.
  • Provides information to management by assembling and summarizing data; preparing reports; making presentations of findings, analyses, and recommendations.
  • Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.
  • Accomplishes finance and organization mission by completing related results as needed.


You must possess some specific skills to flourish as a financial analyst. Some of these skills, include:
  • Judgment and Decision Making – Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.
  • Mathematics – Using mathematics to solve problems.
  • Active Learning – Understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Monitoring – Monitoring/Assessing performance of you, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.
  • Systems Analysis – Determining how a system should work and how changes in conditions, operations, and the environment will affect outcomes.
  • Systems Evaluation – Identifying measures or indicators of system performance and the actions needed to improve or correct performance, relative to the goals of the system.
You can learn new skills and sharpen existing ones, through many resources like Fitchlearning, Managementhelp, MIT Open Courseware, Financetraining and Businesstraining. They offer many courses, including certification courses, open courses and online free-learning courses.

How to be successful as a Freelance financial analyst:

A financial analyst must be well versed and well qualified to be successful. In the world of freelance work, you need some additional skills to ensure success, as it will be your work and the recognition you have which may well determine your success and failure. Thus, it is important to take certain steps, as:
  • Be sociable
  • Build up recommendations
  • Advertise your services on social media platforms
  • Network with people, leverage your network to find work
  • Be able to develop a good working relationship with employers
  • Be good at what you do
  • Have good interpersonal skills
  • Being an algorithmic, analytical thinker

Average Remunerations:

How much money can you earn as a financial analyst who freelances fulltime. Financial analysis is a well-paid and respected job option. It is also a decent freelance option and is possibly one of the top paying freelance jobs.
Usually freelance portals offer various kinds of payment models. In the fixed-price model, the price is usually pre-determined. The hourly model is the most popular and employers usually pay a predetermined sum per hour. Finally, in the project-budget based model, you often need to auction for such projects. Usually a fixed price model may range from $20- $200 and upwards, while you have to pitch for hourly projects, and budget payments, which usually range from $5- $35 an hour. As a freelance Financial analyst, your average pay could be $24 an hour.

Finding Work:

Finding work as a freelance financial analyst is possibly unheard of and scoffed at by conservatives. However, as a cyber-age financial analyst, you must be able to leverage your network to reach the best possible option.
Peopleperhour, Odesk, Elance and Freelancer offer many job opportunities for freelance Financial Analysts, both locally and internationally.


There are many online resources available. You can opt for online training videos, open courses from universities and certification courses, through many resources like Fitchlearning, Managementhelp, MIT Open Courseware, Financetraining and Businesstraining.

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