Saturday, December 24, 2016

How to be a Freelance Advertiser

Freelance AdvertiserAdvertising has been around for a long time, ever since the turn of the century when executives had to come up with a strategy to narrow the gap between the demand and the supply, by creating a demand for a product. As an advertiser, you can immortalise products, because of advertising. Good money and the probability of creating a truly remarkable and celebrated advert are some trendy allures to Advertising.
As a Freelance Advertiser, you can boost an organisation’s visibility and customer recall by creating effective online branding and advertising strategies.

Job Duties for Freelance Advertiser

Advertising has always been a glamorous career option. However, the kind of growth this particular skill set has witnessed over the recent years is phenomenal. Of the many other duties that will constitute your life as a freelance Advertiser some important ones, include:
  • Working on a remote team, or alone to come up with advertising strategies
  • Supervising and liaising with various advertising-related departments.
  • Generating promotional and advertising content for the organisation
  • Brain storming on new ideas and analysing the merits and fallbacks of an idea
  • Keeping up with the latest online trends and moulding posts to benefit
  • Monitoring changes in public perception and meeting promotional goals
  • Advertising on various social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit etc.


There is no doubt that you need skills to perform a task well. It holds true even for Advertising, a field, which is witnessing a digitisation, with newer practices evolving each day. Some specific skills, which will hold you in good stead as an advertiser, include:
  • People skills
  • Creativity
  • Communication Skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Research skills: You must keep up to date with the latest trends.
  • Problem solving skills: You must be able to solve, communicate with, and relay organisational messages on various platforms.
  • Organizational skills: You must be organised to communicate effectively with customers, to set up and execute advertising strategies.
You can develop and hone these skills through various platforms. Entrepreneur, Open2Study, ELearn, Unversal Class and Lyndaoffer many online courses where you can learn the basics of or hone your already established skills on Advertising.

Being Successful as a Freelance Advertiser:

Advertising is one of the most lucrative career options today. The social media revolution has made it even more apparent. Recent studies have suggested that social media generates more than 70% of revenue through adverts. In this world, where opportunity is plentiful, let’s see what kind of things can give you an edge over completion.
Most freelancers face minor hiccups; you will have no colleagues to moan too, or to share lunches with and the instability caused by the absence of a weekly cheque. However, you can become successful, or indeed set off down the path to success, by following certain tips, as;
  • Creating an eye-catching website, and promoting a daily blog
  • Sticking to your schedule
  • Operating under strict deadlines
  • Being open to learning
  • Customising social sites
  • Marketing yourself

Average Remunerations:

Advertisers earn handsome salaries and are usually quite well off. They are the face of the organisation. Thus, their remuneration depends on many factors, and they are usually rewarded for a good outreach and sometimes punished for a lack of one. You may view it as you wish, but the fact remains that if you are good with your work, there is enough money to be earned.
As with other freelance opportunities, there are essentially two types of engagements offered, the fixed-price model, and the hourly payment model. Therefore, what can you earn as a freelance advertiser?
Usually freelance portals offer various kinds of payment models. In the fixed-price model, the price is usually pre-determined. The hourly model is the most popular and employers usually pay a predetermined sum per hour. Finally, in the project-budget based model, you often need to auction for such projects. Usually a fixed price model may range from $20- $200 and upwards, while you have to pitch for hourly projects, and budget payments, which usually range from $5- $35 an hour. On an average people can earn $22 an hour.

Finding Work:

It is not tough to find work as a freelance advertiser. It is among the top careers and many organisations are waking up to the advantages of having a good online advertiser in place. As with other freelance initiatives, the first agenda you must have is to create a Facebook page and market the services you offer. Furthermore, invite your friends, family, and acquaintances to like the page.
Apart from advertising your services online, the other options you can consider include websites like Elance, Guru, Peopleperhour and Odesk, whichoffer hundreds of jobs for Advertisers online.


There is an abundance of learning resources for people like you, who wish to become advertisers. Many websites feature paid and free courses on advertising; you can learn the basics and even the specifics of this career.
Entrepreneur, Open2Study, ELearn, Unversal Class and Lyndaoffer many online courses where you can learn the basics of and even hone your already established skills on Advertising.

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